A Dreamweaver or Frontpage Website
Web design and marketing strategy work together and inform customers with great design.
Good website design will also generate leads for a company. It is the first impression that will be long lasting and good websites will generate more leads and more money than the ones that are not well designed.
If you own a business and you are having a company website designed by a web design company then you need to know what you are doing first before proceeding with the designing process.
It is a long drawn process and your job is to make sure that the design that you get by doing the design work should be well designed from the first frame. The design should be well composed and balanced. The website should have easy navigation so that visitors can browse through the website easily.
If the website has a lot of information then visitors should be able to easily browse through the site and find the products that they are looking for. If you already have a website then you need to make sure that you can upload the new content in the site and make sure that the entire process should be automated, otherwise it will take more time then necessary.
The overall design of a website makes a great first impression of a site and your website will stay for a long time with the different color of the different backgrounds. The main background should be white or light blue depending on the company. I used to advise always to use a light blue or white background as most of the visitors to your site will be viewing on white or light blue backgrounds.
You need to change the colors as per your customers preferences but you should use light blue and or white if you are starting your business website and if you own a company with several products then you need to use dark blue and or black if you are starting your company website.
The colors should match the products so that all the products are identified. Always use light blue and white for products and dark blue and black for companies. You can use any combination of colors but the colors should match if you are starting a website for a company and the colors should be either white or light blue.
Remember that no matter what your business is you need to be able to make the various pages of your website look attractive and the pages should be well categorized. If you are using Dreamweaver or Frontpage then you need to assign the different templates to different folders.
Don’t forget you’ll also want a SEO marketing campaign to go along with your social media marketing as well. A reputable SEO company we can recommend is Local Search Technologies although based out of Phoenix, Arizona they cater to a National Customer base. They also work along some of the best design professionals in the industry.